Italian Cannibal Cinema- Cannibal Holocaust

I have previously discussed a couple of Italian cannibal films on here and I figured it was time to do another, so decided I may as well knock out the most notorious of the bunch: Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust . Most people are probably not aware of the Italian cannibal film boom from the '70s and '80s, but many people are still aware of this particular film. DVD release from EC Entertainment Booklet from EC Entertainment DVD release With a reputation such as the one Cannibal Holocaust has developed over the years, one may wonder whether or not the movie itself can hold up to it. After all, this is a film that shocked people during its original release in 1980, but the world has changed so much in the four decades that have passed since then, so would it have the same impact today? Is this a movie that would instead lose any shock value it once had as audiences became desensitized? Well, first let's talk about the movie itself and then we can...