Halloween Memories: Horror Sounds of the Night

At some point in the late 1980s, I saw a cassette tape for sale in the Halloween aisle of either Wal-Mart or K-mart. The packaging was the simple cardboard back with a plastic blister-bubble glued to it which contained the tape. The tape itself did not come with your standard cassette case, just the actual cassette, which was black with orange sticker labels showing the title in black print, Horror Sounds of the Night . I ended up taking the case from a tape-head cleaner and keeping my copy of Horror Sounds of the Night in it. I even wrote the title on the spine of the j-card for the tape-head cleaner. Side A of Horror Sounds of the Night After buying this tape, it quickly became a favorite of mine. I would play the tape and listen to it, just as I would have listened to my Twisted Sister tape. One year, I went to a Halloween party at the church of a friend (I was not a church-goer, but some of my friends were, so I tagged along at their invitation s...