Italian Cannibal Cinema- Cannibal Ferox

In the 1970s and 1980s, Italy released numerous movies dealing with cannibalism. Starting with Il paese del sesso selvaggio (aka Man from Deep River, Deep River Savages, Sacrifice! , and many others), they were initially adventure movies set in the jungle. The cannibal element was initially a minor subplot, with the later films concentrating more and more on cannibal carnage as the films also went stampeding into the horror realm. These movies would become notorious for various reasons in the years after their original releases, some getting banned in various countries and most getting cut to ribbons in many countries. Regardless of any controversial content these films may feature, they are an important part of horror and exploitation cinema. I am also a big fan of these movies in general, so I am going to discuss some (maybe all), one at a time. First up is undoubtedly one of the most notorious, Cannibal Ferox . Released in the U.S. as Make Them ...