Horror Movie and Beer Pairings

Few things are as pleasant as having a couple of beers and watching a good horror movie. For some horror movies, there are certain beers that are especially appropriate to drink while watching, usually due to that beer popping up in the movie itself. Here are a few to start with. At some point, I will likely do another, because there are certainly more than I will be listing now. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)- Shiner Premium To start off, we have Tobe Hooper's classic, which features some country guys drinking some Shiner Premium in a cemetery at the beginning. The choice of Shiner makes sense for the movie, as it is a Texas beer, brewed in Shiner, Texas. This particular beer was, as far as I know, discontinued for some time, but it showed up some time back on shelves, with the label looking very close to the ones visible in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre . So if you plan on watching this one and want to really get into the vibe of the movie,...