Grindhouse- 10th Anniversary
It has now been a decade since the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double feature, Grindhouse , hit theaters. Despite the fact that it did not perform as well as expected at the box office, I still believe, to this day, that this was one of the best movie-going experiences in my lifetime. For me, personally, most movies don't seem to warrant going to the theater these days. I think it is a combination of modern home viewing technology and the movies that are made today. There are plenty of good movies that come out today, but they don't grab my attention quite the way movies used to and are on DVD and Blu-Ray just a few short months later, playing theaters for just a few brief weeks, so there is only a small window to go see them in the theaters now. With Grindhouse , it was different. This was something I waited for and looked forward to for some time before the release. It was one that I knew would be best to see in the theater. This ...